Privacy Policy

Mall of Qatar, including any entity that controls Mall of Qatar, is controlled by Mall of Qatar or is under common control with Mall of Qatar (each an “Affiliate”), are committed to protecting your privacy and demonstrating care and respect with regard to our treatment of any ‎Personal Information that we may obtain from you. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is designed to provide transparency into our privacy practices and principles, in a format that our guests can navigate, read and understand. We are dedicated to treating your Personal Information with care and respect.


This Privacy Policy describes the treatment of information provided to or collected on the website and other websites where this Privacy Policy (or the Children's Online Privacy Policy) is posted, and in instances as otherwise indicated by Mall of Qatar (each a “Site”). It also explains the treatment of information provided or collected on software applications (each an “App”) we make available on third-party sites or platforms if disclosed to you in connection with use of the application.

When you use or access the Sites or Apps, or use a service provided by Mall of Qatar incorporating this Privacy Policy, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Your visit to the Sites and any dispute over privacy is subject to the Terms of Use, including limitations on damages and application of the law of Qatar.

Use of the Sites and Apps is strictly voluntary. You may not use the Sites or Apps if you do not agree to the Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy contains the following sections:

- Definitions
- Types of Information Mall of Qatar Collects
- Children's Online Privacy Protection
- How Mall of Qatar Uses Your Information
- Use of Your Information by Mall of Qatar
- Online Tracking and Advertising
- Sharing Your Information with Other Companies
- Other Sites and Functionalities
- Your Controls and Choices
- Data Security
- Changes to Privacy Policy
- Comments and Questions

For purposes of this Privacy Policy:
“Aggregate Information” means information about groups or categories of data, which does not identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual.
“Anonymous Information” means information that does not directly or indirectly identify, and cannot reasonably be used to identify, an individual.
“Cookies” means anonymous, unique identifiers that a website places on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. Cookies may involve the transmission of information from us to you and from you directly to us, to another party on our behalf, or to another party in accordance with its privacy policy.
“Flash Cookies” means local shared objects that are used to store personalized information based on visits to websites.
“Personal Information” means information that identifies (whether directly or indirectly) a particular individual, such as the individual’s name, postal address, email address or telephone number. When Anonymous Information is directly or indirectly associated with Personal Information, this Anonymous Information also is treated as Personal Information.
“Location” means the premises of Mall of Qatar.
“Web Beacons” means small pieces of data that are embedded in images on the pages of Sites. Web beacons may involve the transmission of information directly to us, to another party on our behalf, or to another party in accordance with its privacy policy.

TYPES OF INFORMATION Mall of Qatar COLLECTS We collect two basic types of information – Personal Information and Anonymous Information. We may use personal and anonymous information to create a third type of information – Aggregate Information. Personal Information. There are several places where Mall of Qatar gives you an opportunity to provide Mall of Qatar your Personal Information. Mall of Qatar may ask you to provide Personal Information when you engage in certain activities on a Site or an App, such as: utilizing the Mall of Qatar WiFi services; signing up for the Mall of Qatar newsletter; participating in social media activities involving third-party providers such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, whether at this Site or the social media websites; filling out a survey; sending feedback; downloading, installing or using an App; registering for sweepstakes or contests; or using a cell phone send text messages to or call Mall of Qatar. If you choose to share any Personal Information with Mall of Qatar, you will see that the amount and type of Personal Information Mall of Qatar requests depends on how you use the corresponding Site. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities. Depending upon the activity, the information Mall of Qatar asks you to provide will be identified as mandatory or voluntary. If you do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you will not be able to engage in that activity. While you can generally browse a Site without informing Mall of Qatar about who you are or revealing Personal Information about yourself, Mall of Qatar is still able to determine your IP address, which will reveal your location to Mall of Qatar. Mall of Qatar may use your IP address, together with other Personal Information that you may provide to us, such as your email address, to communicate with you directly about products and services that Mall of Qatar believes may be of interest based on your activity on a Site.

Anonymous Information. In general, you can browse a Site without telling Mall of Qatar who you are or revealing any Personal Information about yourself. Mall of Qatar, however, collects your computer’s and/or mobile device’s IP address, which you necessarily disclose when you visit a Site or download or use an App so that data (such as the web pages you request) can be sent to your computer or mobile device. The Sites and/or Apps may utilize Cookies. Mall of Qatar may use Cookie data to recognize you when you visit a Site or use an App in the future, to troubleshoot how a Site or an App operates, and for internal analysis of how people use a Site or an App. Should you decide not to accept Cookies from a Site or an App, you will limit the functionality Mall of Qatar can provide you.

Aggregate Information. We may occasionally use Google Analytics and/or other third-party data analytics tools to (i) monitor traffic on our Sites or Apps, (ii) use of Mall of Qatar’s WiFi service, and (iii) use of Mall of Qatar App and other software applications. Such tools help us to provide the kind of ‎user-friendly, up-to-date information that online users expect to find. Personal Information is not monitored or collected through this process.

Participation in Activities. When you engage in certain activities on a Site or an App, such as by registering or logging in as a user of an App or sending Mall of Qatar a message using a Site, Mall of Qatar may ask you to provide Personal Information and other information. In order to engage in such activities, you will be required to provide information that allows Mall of Qatar to know the specifics of who you are or where you are, and may include, without limitation, your name, email address, and whether you are a guest at the Location. If you choose to share any Personal Information with Mall of Qatar, you will see that the amount and type of Personal Information Mall of Qatar requests depends on how you use a Site or an App. It is optional for you to engage in these activities. Depending upon the activity, some of the information Mall of Qatar asks you to provide is identified as mandatory and some is voluntary. If you do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you will not be able to engage in that activity.

Examples. Examples of the type of information Mall of Qatar and Provider may collect and store include are: first and last name; age and birthday; gender; mailing and email addresses, including postal code; and telephone number(s); device profile created and modified dates, shared device ‎preferences, lists of social networks associated with a user, Facebook ID, Google Plus ID, ‎Twitter Profile URL, LinkedIn Plus ID, Cookies, native device and applications unique ‎identifiers (UIDs), custom identifiers, an application identifiers.‎


We recognize the need to provide further privacy protections with respect to Personal Information we may collect from children under 13 years of age (“Children”) on Sites and Apps and in certain other instances. Some of the features on Sites and Apps are age-gated, which means that access and/or use by children is restricted or prohibited. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13 in connection with those features. Of course, Mall of Qatar cannot prevent certain users, including children, from fraudulently representing their age in order to gain access to the Site or an App.
In the event Mall of Qatar knowingly collects Personal Information from Children, Mall of Qatar will take additional steps to protect Children’s privacy, including:

-Notifying parents about our information practices with regard to Children, including the types of Personal Information we may collect from Children, the uses to which we may put that information, and whether and with whom we may share that information;
-In accordance with applicable law, obtaining consent from parents for the collection of Personal Information from their children, or for sending information about our products and services directly to their Children;
-Limiting our collection of Personal Information from Children to no more than is reasonably necessary to participate in an online activity; and
-Giving parents access or the ability to request access to Personal Information we have collected from their Children and the ability to request that the Personal Information be changed or deleted
For additional information about our practices regarding Personal Information from Children, please read our Children's Online Privacy Policy.

HOW Mall of Qatar COLLECTS YOUR INFORMATION Mall of Qatar may use your IP address to, among other things: (a) help diagnose problems with Sites or ‎Apps, administer and improve Sites or Apps, and measure the use of Sites or Apps; (b) identify the ‎type of web browsers used, the pages viewed, the web sites from which a visitor found Sites or ‎Apps, and the search terms and search engines used to find the Site or Apps; and (c) gather other ‎web analytics information relating to visitors’ uses and navigations of Sites or Apps. This ‎information does not identify you personally. On occasion Mall of Qatar may aggregate this data with data ‎from other users to track overall visitor traffic patterns and provide this Aggregate Information to ‎vendors, business partners, or other parties to demonstrate the amount of interest in Sites and Apps, help Mall of Qatar plan for technical infrastructure requirements, and for other reasons.‎

USE OF YOUR INFORMATION BY Mall of Qatar Mall of Qatar may use your information, including Personal Information, for particular activities, including, without limitation: verifying your identity; customer service, customer relationship management (CRM), marketing and research; providing promotional and other information to you (such as through email marketing) on behalf of Mall of Qatar, Affiliates of Mall of Qatar and Mall of Qatar business partners; responding to your requests; sending you text messages, push notifications, and other notifications through the ‎App and/or your mobile device; ‎contacting you regarding administrative notices; providing you with products and services that you request; communicating with you about your account; detecting, investigating and preventing activities that may violate our policies or be illegal. Mall of Qatar may share your information with its Affiliates or business partners in connection with any of the foregoing activities. In addition, Mall of Qatar’s Affiliates may have access to your information to perform services on behalf of Mall of Qatar or for use on their own behalf, such as in connection with the aforementioned activities. The privacy policies of Mall of Qatar’s Affiliates and business partners will govern how they use your Personal Information. While we try to be selective in working with third parties, we are not responsible for their use of your Personal Information.

If payments are involved, we must release your credit card information to credit card ‎authorization service providers and associated banks to process your payment for purchases, returns ‎or refunds.‎

From time to time, Mall of Qatar may provide you the opportunity to participate in contests, sweepstakes, or surveys on our Sites or Apps. ‎If you participate, we will request certain Personal Information from you. Participation in these ‎surveys, sweepstakes or contests is completely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this ‎information. The requested information may include name, address, date of birth and email address. We may share in this information with our service provider or co-sponsors for the contest, sweepstakes, or survey.

ONLINE TRACKING AND ADVERTISING We, and certain service providers operating on our behalf, collect information about your activities on our Sites and Apps using tracking technologies such as Cookies, Flash Cookies and Web Beacons. We may also use cookies, pixel tags, action tags and similar tags to collect information. Cookies and tags allow us to compile statistics and other information about how you use our site. We may use this data for a variety of purposes, such as to:

-Analyze trends and improve the usability of Sites and Apps;
-Administer the site and gather broad demographic statistics;
-Share such non-personally identifiable information with third parties on an aggregate basis;
-Provide useful features to simplify your experience when you return to our Sites and Apps;
-Deliver relevant content based on your preferences, usage patterns and location;
-Monitor and evaluate the use and operation of our Sites and Apps; and
-Analyze traffic on our Sites and on the sites of third parties.

If you have a registration or other type of account with Mall of Qatar, we may associate this tracking data with your account, in which case we will treat it as Personal Information. Specifically:

-We may use Cookies to bring together information we collect about you.
-We, our advertisers and third-party service providers, may use Flash Cookies to collect and store to store your preferences or display content based upon Sites that you view and to personalize your visit.
-We may use Web Beacons to bring together information we collect about you.

Service providers that collect tracking data on our behalf may provide an opportunity for you to choose not to be tracked online. In addition, we may use third-party service providers to serve ads on our behalf across the Internet. They may collect anonymous information about your visits to our Site, and your interaction with our products and services. They may use cookies and other online tools such as pixel tags, action tags and similar tags to serve ads and personalize your Web shopping experience based on your prior visits to our Site. They may also use information about your visits to our Site and other Sites to target advertisements for products and services. This anonymous information is collected through the use of a cookie. No personally identifiable information is collected or used in this process. These third-party service providers do not know your name, phone number, address, e-mail address, or any other personally identifying information about you. If you would like more information about this practice and to opt out of having this anonymous information used by our third party service providers, visit the Network Advertising Initiative's consumer opt-out page by clicking here.

SHARING YOUR INFORMATION WITH OTHER COMPANIES Mall of Qatar retains the right to share (including by selling) Anonymous Information and Aggregate Information with third parties for any reason. We will generally not share your Personal Information outside of Mall of Qatar or Mall of Qatar Affiliates except in limited circumstances, including:

-Mall of Qatar may share or otherwise disclose your Personal Information with third-parties service providers contracted by Mall of Qatar or Affiliates to assist with internal Mall of Qatar marketing efforts for Mall of Qatar, Affiliates and/or Mall of Qatar’s business partners. Please note that once we share your Personal Information with another company, the information received by the other company becomes subject to the other company’s privacy practices.

-Mall of Qatar may use and share Aggregate Information with vendors, potential advertisers, business partners, or other third parties.
-Mall of Qatar may disclose Personal Information in any of the following circumstances: (a) in response to a subpoena, search warrant, court order, or other legal process or request, or as may otherwise be required by applicable law or regulation;
(b) to protect and defend Mall of Qatar’s rights or property or those of its Affiliates or business partners, or others; or
(c) as Mall of Qatar, in its sole discretion, believes is appropriate under exigent circumstances in response to a perceived threat to the personal safety, property, or rights of any person or organization.

-Since Mall of Qatar’s database is a business asset, in the event Mall of Qatar is reorganized or becomes part of another organization, you consent to the sale, assignment, or transfer of your Personal Information to a successor that acquires substantially all of the business assets of Mall of Qatar, or to an Mall of Qatar Affiliate, as applicable.

OTHER SITES A Site or App may contain links to other websites. Additionally, other web sites may contain links to a Site. We do not review or monitor the websites linked to a Site and are not responsible for the contents or privacy policies related to any other websites. If you visit one of these other websites, you may want to review the privacy policy on that website. Where a Site or App contains a link to another website owned and/or operated by us, such website use may be subject to different and additional terms of service and privacy policy terms and conditions.

We may have functionality on our Site that is provided, in whole or in part, by a third-party service provider. You can usually identify such third party functionality by the use of a trademark not owned by Mall of Qatar on or near the functionality. In that case, when you use the functionality, you become subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of this third party in addition to this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of our Site. In some cases, you may need to visit that party’s website and locate the terms of use and privacy policy. For example, we may use a third party to provide you with the opportunity to chat with Mall of Qatar representatives.

YOUR CONTROLS AND CHOICES If you request to receive information from us, we presume that you have given us permission to communicate with you about that information, either by postal mail, e-mail, text message, social media, telephone or other form of communication. Further, if you choose to use e-mail, text messaging or telephone for communications about Mall of Qatar, such as a current condition or past experience, we will presume again that you have given us permission to communicate with you about your communication. We provide you the ability to exercise certain controls and choices regarding our collection, use and sharing of your information. Your controls and choices may include: -You may correct, update and delete your registration account by contacting us at
-You may change your choices for subscriptions, newsletters and alerts.
-You may unsubscribe from receiving offers and promotions for our products and services, or products and services that we think may be of interest to you.

You may exercise your controls and choices, or request access to your Personal Information, by visiting Mall of Qatar’s subscription and account management center, contacting, or following instructions provided in communications sent to you. Please be aware that, if you do not allow us to collect Personal Information from you, we may not be able to deliver certain products and services to you, and some of our services may not be able to take account of your interests and preferences. If you have questions regarding the specific Personal Information about you that we process or retain, please contact

DATA SECURITY The security, integrity and confidentiality of your information are extremely important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. We have implemented what we believe to be reasonable precautions and safeguards to protect the security of data and information. For example, we may encrypt information using secure socket layer technology (SSL), whereby your information is converted into tiny bits of encrypted code that cannot be read by others during transmission. Our servers use this SSL technology to protect your information. However, Mall of Qatar cannot guarantee against any loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of data or Personal Information, including credit card information that is provided to us. While Mall of Qatar strives to protect your Personal Information, Mall of Qatar cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to or from a Site or an App, by email or otherwise, and you provide such information at your own risk.

You acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations in computer systems and on the Internet which are beyond the control of Mall of Qatar; (b) the security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and Mall of Qatar through Site or Apps, including Personal Information, cannot be guaranteed; and (c) any such information and data may be viewed or tampered with by a third party while such information or data is being used, transmitted, processed, or stored.

CHANGES TO PRIVACY POLICY From time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, without notice to you. You expressly waive any right to receive notice of any changes to this Privacy Policy. We will obtain your consent where required by applicable law.Mall of Qatar encourages you to review this Privacy Policy regularly in your use of a Site or an App to ensure that you are aware of current practices. Any use of a Site or an App following the date on which Mall of Qatar implements changes to this Privacy Policy shall constitute your acceptance of all such changes.

COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Please contact if you have a comment or question about this Privacy Policy.
If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please email us